In an unexpected twist of events, tech mogul Elon Musk, the man behind such groundbreaking ventures as SpaceX and Tesla, is pushing back against...
In the weeks after Kate, Princess of Wales, revealed her cancer diagnosis, a rumor surfaced on Facebook about her husband, Prince William. Posts claimed...
The Kansas City Chiefs tight end’s high-profile relationship with the pop superstar has made him a frequent target for pop culture references and rap...
It wasn’t just Taylor Swift who decided to pop in for Monday night’s game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers....
After 25 years of charitable giving, Melinda French Gates has firmly established herself as a prominent philanthropist, yet she has raised critical questions about...
Chris Hemsworth, globally recognized for his portrayal of Thor in Marvel’s cinematic universe, has shocked fans by filing for divorce on his 41st birthday....
Lara Croft has been back in the spotlight lately following the release of the animated series Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft. Now...
Jeremy Bieber, father of pop icon Justin Bieber, is facing heavy criticism after posting pictures of his young daughter Bay in crop tops and...
Jennifer Hudson appears to have wedding bells in her future after her boyfriend, Common, made his intentions clear while appearing on her talk show...
Wedding bells are clearly in store for Jennifer Hudson and Common, who passionately kissed each other and openly discussed marriage and their love languages...